
Jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika
Jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika

Kurniadi, “Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemetaan Pariwisata Garut Berbasis Geografic Information System dan Android,†J. PuAndi Prayudistaka, Rusydi Umar, “Perancangan sistem informasi pariwisata di kabupaten dompu berbasis website,†vol. Informatika, “SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS BERBASIS ANDROID,†vol. Faturochman, “Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Geografis Pariwisata Dan Industri Berbasis Web,†J. Noval, “IMPLEMENTASI AUGMENTED REALITY SEBAGAI MEDIA PENGENALAN PROMOSI UNIVERSITAS NURTANIO BANDUNG MENGGUNAKAN UNITY 3D,†vol. Brahmantya, “Prinsip Ekowisata Bahari dalam Pengembangan Produk Wisata Karampuang untuk Mencapai Pariwisata Berkelanjutan,†J. Rukun, “Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran berbasis augmented reality menggunakan aplikasi Ar_Jarkom pada mata kuliah instalasi jaringan komputer,†J. This application can give contributions to assist tourists in finding information about tourism in an area and help the Department of Tourism and Culture promote tourism in the region more attractively.Į. The results of this research are in the form of an Android-based tourism introduction augmented reality application. This research uses the Multimedia Development Life cycle method, with six stages: concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution, with the testing method using alpha and beta tests. This research aims to design and build a tourism introduction application with the Application of Augmented Reality Technology. A scan can be carried out to display 2D images, text, audio, and video with the android platform so that it can make it easier for users to use it.

jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika

Augmented Reality is a real object in an area map that will become a marker object by detailing the tourist plan.

jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika

This tourism introduction application is needed for promotional media, including video playback features of Augmented reality technology and information about tourism. This tourism introduction application using Augmented reality technology aims to make it easier for tourists to get to know tourism with interactive media. One way to promote tourism more attractively is with augmented reality media. A tourist attraction is one of the products or advantages of an area, where the region can create income and attract tourists to their tourist destinations.

jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika

Whether it is an individual, a group, or a company, participants on this trip are interested in mental balance, such as reducing stress, entertaining themselves, and refreshing. Tourism is a journey from one place to another.

Jurnal tentang manajemen proyek pada informatika